Two DBCS Staff members work with a client using a CCTV.

Delivering inclusive and accessible education and support

Available to clients in Ontario, DBCS’s literacy services provide inclusive literacy and basic skills instruction for Deafblind adults in Ontario. Learners are placed in one-on-one or small group settings and are able to address a wide variety of learning goals, including employment, apprenticeship, post-secondary education, secondary school credits, and everyday skills that lead to greater independence. 

The program operates year-round, features flexible scheduling, and is conducted using the student’s preferred communication method(s) to ensure an inclusive and accessible experience for all participants.

Logo of Canada, Employment Ontario, and government of Ontario.

This Employment Ontario program is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario and through the Canada-Ontario Job Fund Agreement.

A person uses one hand to read braille, and the other to demonstrate sign language.
Apply for the Literacy and Basic Skills Program

Are you or is someone you know interested in applying to be a part of the literacy and basic skills program? Learn more about eligibility and how to apply.

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A DBCS staff member has a conversation with a client. An intervenor stands between them, facilitating communication.
Learning Goals

DBCS’s literacy instructors connect one-on-one with clients to develop a customized plan that helps meet their personal learning goals. Wondering what kind of goals you can work on? Check out the learning goals section to get started.

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An icon of the letter “I” representing information.
Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about the literacy program? Visit our frequently asked questions section to find an answer fast.

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