"During my first visit with my intervenor, the light at the end of the tunnel started to get brighter and some music was entering my ears. During the next few visits, the light became much brighter and the music much clearer! Before long we became quite a team, she became my eyes and ears and I, a good navigator and communicator." 

Armando, DBCS client

“I like the intervenors because they make my week short and I'm able to get out. Even when I don't go shopping, I'm able to go out and do things that I haven't been able to do, and I just wouldn't do without them now."

-Wayne, DBCS client

"Intervenor services make a huge difference in my life. Without them, how would I go places? How would I do things?"

-Barbara, DBCS client

"In 2014 the outside world disappeared from me. I no longer could travel by myself with Wheel-Trans, do my errands or whatever I wanted to do… I contacted Deafblind Community Services at CNIB... Finally, what I thought was the end of my outside world contact in 2014, I got my life back!"

-Ilona, DBCS client

“I am so grateful for the time with my intervenor as it allows me to get out into the community… I value knowing they are there to support me and making sure I am safe. I believe every province should offer intervention services to their local Deafblind communities.”

-Donald, DBCS client

“These services mean a lot to me. They help me in my daily life and support me when I need it. They help me book appointments, take me to appointments, help me food shop, help me with my bills. They help me connect with my brother which means a lot to me. If I didn’t have them, I would have no way of connecting with him. They make sure I get important information that I wouldn’t be able to access on my own. They also help me feel less isolated.”

-Blake, DBCS client

“I wish people could understand the struggles of being Deafblind, it’s not easy. Life is hard, scary, not knowing if things will get worse… DBCS helps me with everything, they are like my family. I couldn’t live without them… I look forward to the [DBCS staff] coming, we have a good relationship. They know me, and I know and trust them with everything… They saved my life.”

-Elsie, DBCS client

“[Intervenor] services have meant [I have] connection to my friends, the world at large, fun activities like bingo, movies, things that would be impossible without the services. Especially because I live in long-term care and am confined to my room, and this helps me stay connected.”

-Michelle, DBCS client

“Having [intervention] is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I honestly don’t know where I would be today without [it]. The amount of help for medical and just my every day-to-day stuff and information I now have access to is just amazing.”

-Evelyn, DBCS Client

“I am proud to be Deafblind, because of DBCS. They really helped me identify myself as a Deafblind person. My involvement has allowed me to continue my learning through the literacy classes with DBCS… If DBCS did not exist, I would not be as independent as I am today.”

-Kristeen, DBCS client

“Having intervention is important to me because I really enjoy my time with the Intervenors. I don’t know what I would do without them. They are also a great help. They help me by taking me out to go shopping and banking as well as medical appointments. They also take me for drives to get out. I enjoy my time so much.”

-Mac, DBCS client

“I’m grateful for Deafblind Community Services because they are my bridge to life... Receiving services from Deafblind Community Services benefits everyone that I come in contact with. As now I am more confident, less stressed, and the biggest thing is, I am so much more independent. I really love being able to do things that I never thought that I would ever be able to do but so desired to do, like going to the beach to go swimming, to bake things that I never imagined that I could."

- Sylvana, DBCS client

Our community, in their own words.

Two DBCS Staff members greet a client for a literacy session.

No one understands the impact of the work we do better than the people we serve. We invite you to read some of the incredible feedback we’ve received over the years from members of our community. 

Want to share your story? Send an email to infoweb@deafblindservices.ca and help us spread awareness about the impact of Deafblind services.