CNIB Deafblind Community Services: Skills Development Intake Form

Welcome to DBCS's Skills Development program, offering inclusive instruction for blind, Deafblind, and low vision adults in Ontario. Our one-on-one or small group settings cater to a range of learning goals, including those relating to employment, apprenticeship, post-secondary education, secondary school credits, and everyday skills for increased independence.
Review this form in ASL.

Contact Information
You may list more than one method of communication. (Voice, large print notes, American Sign Language (ASL), lip reading, tactile ASL, two-hand manual, etc.)
Alternative Contact

You may wish to provide an alternative contact to assist with facilitating communication (i.e., a family member, friend, or intervenor). If so, please provide their contact details here

What skills are you interested in improving on? (Select all that apply)
Examples of learning goals:

  • Reading and understanding documents, medication labels, mail, recipes, etc.
Examples of learning goals:

  • Feeling confident filling out forms, creating documents, making lists, or writing resumes and cover letters.
  • Improving communication skills for interviews, presentations, and everyday conversations with friends, family, and community members.
Examples of learning goals:

  • Boosting confidence and understanding of numbers in daily life.
  • Comparing prices in store flyers, calculating tax and tip at a restaurant, creating a budget.
Examples of learning goals:

  • Creating documents, browsing and shopping online, using social media.
  • Using features on a smartphone or tablet: connecting Bluetooth hearing aids/headphones/speakers, using Siri/Google, VoiceOver/TalkBack, Magnifier.
  • Using phone apps like text messaging, FaceTime, Seeing AI, Glide, Audiobooks, and more.
  • Using accessibility software on a computer or laptop: JAWS, ZoomText, Magnifier, Narrator, NVDA, etc.
Examples of learning goals:

  • Setting goals, managing time, organizing schedules, and problem-solving.
Examples of learning goals:

  • Resolving conflicts, working in teams, effective communication, and active listening.

Please note: You may choose to submit an ASL video, voice recording or text file with your name, contact information and information about your learning goals to